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Workforce Innovation

Veryable: The Trusted Choice for Safety

Matt Morgan
June 19, 2024
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There is no better operational tool than Veryable. By leveraging our technology, businesses can adapt to unpredictable demand fluctuations, improve their cost structure, and scale up fast to take on more business without the restrictive nature of staffing agency contracts. Meanwhile, workers on the Platform enjoy the flexibility, autonomy, and freedom to set their schedules. They can bid on work opportunities with various businesses—something that would be impossible without Veryable. The value is undeniable.

As we enter June, we are reminded of the importance of safety. This month marks the 28th year since the National Safety Council designated June as National Safety Month. Business users on the Platform will occasionally express concerns about the risks involved in bringing new people into their facilities. We frequently hear questions such as, 'How do I know the workers on your Platform are safe?' and 'Why is this solution safer than a staffing firm?'

It is only prudent for businesses to recognize that in addition to their duty to their own employees, they have responsibilities to other invitees and even to the general public outside the plant. They have a strong economic interest in ensuring that independent contractors on our Platform do not cause damage to the facility or disrupt business operations. So, how can your business be assured that when using Veryable, you will have safe workers coming to your facility?

First, the proof is in the results. Since the inception of the Platform, with over 2 million Ops completed and over 18 million hours of work done, there have been very few injuries at business facilities. According to a recent internal analysis we conducted, since 2017, if there was an injury, most, if not all, were low-exposure cuts, scrapes, and bruises. There is less than a 0.02% chance of an injury occurring during an Op and less than a 0.003% chance per hour worked.

Furthermore, no business has ever had to pay out of pocket for an injury claim. Why? Workers on the Platform have the option to carry their own insurance, or Veryable’s OAI policy provides coverage. Ultimately, there is coverage in place for injuries, and businesses using the Veryable tool do not need to worry about injuries. Additionally, Veryable’s insurance loss ratio is first-class and well under 30% (with 60% being a typical carrier’s break-even point). This shows that few injuries are claimed under the Veryable OAI policy, and when they do occur, they are of extremely low value.

So, we know injuries are rare and, if they do happen, they are minor. However, the analysis doesn't stop there. Several factors contribute to the safety of our Platform. Let's discuss a few of these below.

Background Checks

Background checks are a key reason we can assure businesses that only safe workers bid on the jobs (referred to as “Ops”) they post. Although Veryable is not obligated to conduct these checks like a staffing firm, we voluntarily have partnered with Checkr to perform them at our own expense to ensure there are no dangerous individuals on our Platform. To be accepted for Ops through the Veryable app, Operators must first pass a background check. This is how Veryable screens Operators to ensure safety from the start.

The background check includes county, state, national, and federal criminal records checks, as well as a sex offender registry check. It also includes validation of the operator’s Social Security Number, which is used to determine the jurisdictions to search for court records.

If anything is flagged for review during the background check, Veryable employees thoroughly review the results to confirm there are no mistakes. They then make an informed decision about whether to allow the operator on the Platform. Every check adheres to the lookback periods in all jurisdictions and follows best practices in the industry.

Rating and Review System

The rating and review system is another way Veryable ensures worker safety. Naturally, businesses are concerned about an operator's past safety performance. This concern is effectively addressed by the Platform's meritocratic system.

Businesses rate workers after every Op, with safety being a key criterion. These safety ratings are also factored into an overall reliability rating for each worker. Accepting bids from highly rated Operators reassures businesses of their safety. Moreover, this system incentivizes Operators to exercise extra caution on the job, as any misstep could negatively impact their rating and limit future opportunities.

Safety is a priority for everyone, and there’s no better way to ensure it than by choosing from a marketplace of workers whose ratings reflect thousands of past performances. This is a stark contrast to using a staffing firm, where businesses hope for safe workers without prior knowledge of their history. With Veryable, you have a clear understanding of what to expect, as each worker's experience and performance are transparently displayed. The meritocratic advantage of Veryable truly makes a difference.

Behavioral Psychology

What about behavioral psychology? We've discussed behavioral psychology and the gig economy in a few blogs, but why is it important? Behavioral psychology has found that being in a new environment increases a person's situational awareness. This taps into basic human instincts that keep us safe when we aren't sure what to expect. Think about it—when you walk into an unfamiliar restaurant, store, or home, you scan the room for potential threats until you gain familiarity and trust with the environment. The same principle applies to Operators who enter a business for the first time; they are on high alert. This heightened awareness directly impacts their ability to work safely.

Conversely, an employee in a familiar business environment doesn't maintain the same level of awareness and attention—they are in autopilot mode. Operators, however, move from business to business and constantly adapt to new environments, keeping them on their toes and enhancing their overall safety.

Accountability and Self-Reliance

Independent contractors in manufacturing plants often demonstrate a heightened sense of accountability and self-reliance compared to full-time employees. Working as their own bosses, Operators are personally responsible for their performance and safety on the job. Unlike full-time employees who might have supervisors constantly monitoring their work, Operators must ensure that they are adhering to safety protocols and delivering quality work independently. This personal accountability drives them to be more diligent and cautious, knowing that any lapse in safety can again, lead to negative rating on the Platform and impacting their ability to secure future contracts.

So, without the constant oversight of a supervisor, Operators must develop a proactive approach to safety. They regularly stay updated with the latest safety protocols and take initiative in identifying and mitigating potential hazards. This self-reliance ensures that they are always prepared to work safely, regardless of the environment.

Feeling Safe with Veryable

In conclusion, Veryable stands out as the ultimate operational ally, offering unparalleled adaptability and scalability to businesses. As we commemorate National Safety Month, ensuring workplace safety remains paramount. Fortunately, Veryable's remarkable track record and marketplace of highly safe-rated Operators provide peace of mind. With millions of Ops completed and an exceptionally low injury rate, the numbers speak for themselves. Additionally, businesses do not have to worry about the potential huge costs of maintaining insurance or covering an Operator's injury. No business has ever come out of pocket for an injury because of the insurance in place.

Delving deeper, Veryable's partnership with Checkr for background checks, merit-based rating system, and inherent worker accountability and self-reliance further highlight that this is a Platform you can trust. In essence , Veryable transcends being a mere Platform—it embodies safety and efficiency. So, why hesitate? It's time to embrace the solution that Veryable offers.

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Matt Morgan
Director of Legal and Risk at Veryable

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