DNI Corp.
DNI knew it was time to re-think how they scaled labor capacity if they wanted to maintain the lead times and service their customers expect.

PIAS Member DNI Corp Gains 7,500+ Labor Hours in First 6 Months with Veryable, Significantly Reducing Labor as a Constraint
"What I love about the platform is that I can log in this afternoon, post ops to my labor pool, and have those operators in the next morning"
Chuck Cairatti
Director of Operations at DNI Corp
Based in Nashville, TN, DNI Corp specializes in Targeted Marketing Solutions for various industries, such as education, healthcare, insurance, public utilities, and financial institutions, to name a few. These services include direct mail, fulfillment, and Critical Customer Communications, e.g., statement processing, bills, notices, and other regulated mail and communication services. Rooted in a customer-centric approach, DNI takes pride in offering end-to-end marketing solutions.
By integrating people, process, and technology, DNI has consistently maintained its promise to deliver for more than 2,000 customers over the past 40 years. With an infusion of high-volume printing technology and an efficient USPS drop ship process to shorten lead times, DNI saw that solving for the third variable, people, was crucial in taking its omnichannel offering to the next level.
Security and speed are paramount when mailing critical client communications and targeted marketing. Last year when DNI won the contract to mail over 1 million units for a nationally recognized insurance provider, they knew it was time to re-think how they scaled labor capacity if they wanted to maintain the lead times and on-time rates that their customers have come to expect.
DNI traditionally called on family, friends, and community networks when things were busier than usual. After meeting the Veryable team at a PIAS event, it was clear that there was a capacity-planning solution that would enable them to take on more projects and continue to deliver for their customers.
Within the first three weeks of using Veryable, DNI filled over 125 Ops. This instant capacity allowed them to complete the 1-million-unit contract on time and with zero cost to scale. Now with a healthy labor pool at the ready, DNI can take on any project that comes its way, solidifying itself as a market leader for direct mail services.
DNI continues to deploy its Veryable Labor Pool against fluctuating customer demand for kitting, pick/pack, rework, and forklift Ops. “During our morning production meetings, we look at orders with the most immediate due date first…if I see that we’re at risk of getting behind, I log on to the Veryable platform, post Ops to my labor pool, and have those operators in the next morning. The speed at which I can respond to changes in demand allows me to be proactive rather than reactive with my labor planning.”
Additional labor hours: >7,500
Attendance: 96%+
Avg. Op Posting Lead Time: 21 hours
Min Use: <150 hours/week
Max Use: >500 hours/week

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