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Why Veryable? Flexible, Agile and Zero Cost to Scale!

Veryable Editorial Team
February 28, 2020
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As a General Manager or Operations Manager of a manufacturing plant, warehouse, or logistics/supply chain company you understand the importance of human capital. You also understand that in a low unemployment economy that finding and retaining talented individuals is challenging. In addition to turnover, nonproductive time, absenteeism, overtime, etc. all make it very difficult to drive productivity improvements in a competitive environment that is evolving rapidly.

To remain competitive in today’s environment, management needs to think outside the box and develop a strategy in place to address volatility and bring on extra help whenever there is a need for additional support due to increased demand, clearing backlog, or to replace underperforming employees. Veryable’s digital on-demand marketplace gives businesses the agility and flexibility to utilize peer industry rated individuals who are ready and able to work, just in time.

A Win-Win For The Sector 

Veryable’s digital operations tool is a platform where workers who have specific skill sets are available to companies who can use their skills. Contract Workers on the Veryable Platform have control over when and where they work, therefore companies get an individual who is ready and willing to do the work. Additionally, individuals who have performed work for companies through the Veryable Platform are rated, meaning future companies have a much clearer understanding of the type of individual that they can expect. The individuals on the Platform understand the importance of the rating system as it relates to their marketability. Low rated individuals will be much less in demand and therefore will not have as many opportunities for work.

The Differentiatior - "Your Labor Pool"

A key differentiator with Veryable is the concept of YLP, Your Labor Pool. When companies find an individual, who is a good fit (productive, on time, safe and has a good attitude) they can add him or her to their Labor Pool, which is a list of “favorited” individuals. By building up a Labor Pool of individuals, the company always has an arsenal of people that they can invite to work. Whether it be for a day, week, month or longer, companies can rest assured that they have individuals that they can call on to help ensure that operations continue to run smoothly. Since the work is getting done, productivity remains high leading to goals being 

Benefits of On-Demand Labor

There are a number of benefits to companies who integrate the Veryable Solution into their operations.

  • Vetted individuals are available when the demand is high. If the demand at your company fluctuates, you can lose money by having additional permanent staff on the payroll.
  • The individuals on the Veryable Platform are not employees of the companies where they work. They’re independent contractors opting into discrete work opportunities on-demand.
  • The Veryable Platform allows companies to be more flexible and agile and has no cost to scale.
  • The job market has become more competitive. Veryable gives companies access to a whole other subset of workers outside of the active labor force that could not have been accessed for work through traditional arrangements
  • Piece work-based work arrangements where companies pay by the output or task instead of by the hour so labor productivity is baked right into the terms

Veryable’s New Labor Paradigm is the best way that companies can gain a competitive advantage now and in the future. If you have open positions and/or demand volatility, or just need extra help from time to time, consider Veryable’s On-demand Market-place. With zero commitment, zero cost to scale, zero contracts, what have you got to lose? 

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