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Digital Manufacturing

The Need for Cyber Security In Manufacturing

Steven Calhoun
November 29, 2022
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No matter what niche your company serves, we’re willing to bet that your data is your most valuable asset. When every key performance indicator can be measured, all customer and employee data are stored internally, and each sales metric is tucked carefully away somewhere within your network– it’s necessary to keep this information safe.

Keep reading to learn more about the use and emergence of Cyber Security in your manufacturing operations:

Attack Mode

There’s no doubt that modern tech has changed the world, and arguably most parts of our daily lives. With the continued innovation into Industry 4.0, our reliance on tech is here to stay. While manufacturing is one of the world’s oldest disciplines, we know that it has continued to keep up with modern ways of production. But what goes up must come down, and as modern problems require modern solutions, these solutions also uncover a greater opportunity for cyber-attacks and incidents.

In 2021, Fortinet reported that 90% of analyzed operational companies had at least one cyber incident within the year, and 63% had 3 or more incidents. In the same year, Verizon reported that 82% of data attacks in manufacturing focused on system intrusion, social engineering, and basic web application attacks. 

Manufacturers are known for adding machines to their floors one at a time as needs arise. If these machines are connected to your IoT (Internet of Things: physical components attached to one business internet network), they have a chance of being attacked. How? It’s easier than you might think.



Staying Safe

Often, cyber attackers access networks and lurk there undetected for 200 days or more. If your company uses any subscription-based platforms, shares passwords between users, and/or uses the same wifi network as your machines, it’s time to armor up. Here are some ways to begin protecting your operations from cyber attacks:

  • Run up-to-date antivirus software: This ensures you can operate normally while the software does the hard work of preventing viruses planted by attackers from sticking.
  • Use strong passwords, and change them often: Whether these passwords are enabling access to machinery, software, or personal accounts, using complicated passwords and changing them often reduces the risk of leaks.
  • Create single-user logins: If you’re sharing passwords across teams, who’s to say a hacker couldn’t gain access one way or another? When possible, enable single-user logins to prevent credentials from falling into the wrong hands.
  • Implement Multifactor Authentication (MFA): Even if a password gets leaked, the chances an attacker has access to multiple methods of verification is less likely. Use your phone, email address, or PIN number to verify your identity when possible.
  • Install a Firewall: Prevent non-business users from entering your network altogether by using a firewall. This will help block malicious traffic or attempts at phishing from entering your network.

These tactics will give your business a great start, but every organization has unique needs. Learn more about how your company can securely stay ahead of innovations to come.

Like anything else affected by Industry 4.0, labor in manufacturing, warehousing, and operations has gone digital. Use Veryable to find labor on-demand, and see what the modern workforce can do for your business:

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Steven Calhoun
Content Strategist

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