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Smartphones are changing the way we work

Veryable Editorial Team
March 9, 2018
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Let's face it, today mobile devices are integrated into nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Just think back to the last time you didn't have a smartphone, or other mobile device with you? Can't remember? And how often have you used your phone for work? The answer is probably more often than you think!


We’ve gathered some statistics to show how mobile is changing the way we work in today’s economy.

1.  On average, about 81% of adults in the United States have smartphones, and those phones are used on average about one hour and 39 minutes per day to consume media.

2.  Cellphone users touch their phones approximately 2,617 times in a day.

3.  In an average day, 40% of people use only their smartphone to perform an online search because it meets their immediate needs.

4.  Millennials beat all other age groups for smartphone ownership (77%), as well as time spent on them (over two hours per day).

5.  Smartphones are used daily by 87% of millennials.

6.  Generation X also has a big daily smartphone usage — 60% to be exact.

**7.  **Almost a fifth of time spent consuming digital media is for social networking, and 61% of these occurrences happen through a smartphone app.

**8.  **75% percent of U.S. users download at least one app daily.

9.  28% of Americans use a smartphone in their job search, and half of them filled out a job application from their phone.

Given these statistics, mobile is clearly here to stay, and your mobile device is no longer just for phone calls, but a tool for making our everyday lives easier. Think about how often you catch a ride, look up directions, or check your bank account on a mobile device. Having these resources in the palm of your hand can be an instant time saver. The convenience and accessibility that mobile phones offer is what we are all embracing.

That's why Veryable has created the easiest way for you to look for work and get paid all through the convenience of an app. With our Veryable App, we are connecting millions of workers with millions of work opportunities and our operators absolutely love the concept!

Clearly the integration of mobile for finding instant work is having a lot of success and it has only started! With our technology you won't regret switching from the old and inefficient job seeking ways to our convenient way of finding work instantly all through your Mobile Veryable App.

So if you're ready to switch to a more modern approach of looking for work, join the Veryable platform today by downloading directly from the Apple store or Google Play.

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